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Nightwish in Bucharest

The last time Romania saw Nightwish was in 2009 at ArtMania Festival. Quite a lot has happened since then. 2 new albums, 2 new members. 2015 was the promised year, when ArtMania made the dream true: Nightwish was back, with Floor, with Troy, with Arch Enemy and Amorphis.

Because of the tragedy that marked Bucharest’s rock scene a month ago, Nightwish decided to do a special show, in remembrance of the fallen, with no pyrotechnics. But because they are such a great band, they need no such thing to put on an amazing show.

2 Hours of Nightwish music gives you all you could expect and more. Watching them on stage really gives meaning to what Tuomas once said: „Nightwish is an institution that must go on no matter what”. Everything works so well together, they make it work in a way that makes you realise what titans of music you have on stage.

As for Floor, she really brought the house down. Once she felt the love and warmth of the public, she opened up with such joy to sing and perform. She took us through old and new songs, proving just as versatile she can be. She is a powerhouse that gives the true meaning to the word front-woman.

The show starts with an energetic band on Shudder Before The Beautiful and Yours Is An Empty Hope, both from their latest album, Endless Forms Most Beautiful.

The newest addition to their setlist is While Your Lips Are Still Red. A song so emotional and beautiful that can bring anyone on the verge of crying. Though originally sang only by Marco, Floor joins in to make it even more beautiful.


For me personally, the highlight was Stargazers, a song taken off Oceanborn, an album released in ’98. It’s a song difficult beyond any measure and she rises to the challenge and shows us her best operatic delivery on the song. It’s magic to hear her live.

Needless to say, Ghost Love Score has become Ghost Love Floor and I doubt there will be a time when listening to her sing this song won’t give us chills.

And here we are, Last Ride Of The Day, after watching The Greatest Show On Earth! It still doesn’t feel real.

Since the New Year is coming, I bet you will find a common resolution among the thousands of people who were there last night and not only: please let us see Nightwish again! Soon!  Thank you, Nightwish! Thank you, ArtMania!

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